welcome to pearlbastet.com

Welcome to pearlbastet.com

pearlbastet.com is strictly 18+ and is not intended for viewers under the age of 21
due to adult content such as nudity, sexual themes, and legal drug use (cannabis).

By clicking , I certify that I acknowledge and comply with the statement above.


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 welcome to pearlbastet.com
pearlbastet.com is strictly 18+ and is not intended for viewers under the age of 21. pearlbastet.com, as well as some links on the site, contain adult content such as nudity, sexual content, and legal drug use (cannabis). pearlbastet.com may contain autoplay music and flashing colors. pearlbastet.com is mobile friendly, but was hand-coded on a desktop in 1366x768 resolution by Pearl Bastet.

about me/faq
"myspace" blog
my onlyfans

Hi! My name is Pearl Bastet :)
Aside from my 2 other fun jobs,
I've been a content creator for 5 years!

What even is this site?
It's my personal coding project, link/content hub, previews page, updates page, nostalgia fix... with tons more info about me and what I do...

Are you a scammer/catfish?
Yes, you got me. I'm actually 3 Egyptian Maus and a Sphynx cat in a tank top and a pair of Tripp pants, here to come steal your $13 to get a catnip joint.


photo slideshow

click the arrows to navigate photos